Mindfulness Teacher Training Certification Course (IMTA Accredited)
This is a globally accredited Mindfulness Teacher Certification Course, registered with and accredited by the International Mindfulness Teachers Association (IMTA). Graduates of this course will be eligible to receive a personal credential as a Certified Mindfulness Teacher - Professional Level (CMT-P). This credential will serve graduates for employment purposes and is the standard in the field.
This program is self-directed and self-paced as you can now opt for either a year-long program or one module at time and complete it within 3 years. The overall goal of the certification program is to provide training, coaching, and supervision to those wishing to:
to incorporate mindfulness into their profession and to teach mindfulness with individuals, groups, communities, or organisations; and
to design and teach a 8 week evidence-based mindfulness based program, Mindfulness-Based Wellbeing Enhancement (MBWE).
Successful completion of this program provides a document of completion as a Certified Mindfulness Teacher and Facilitator.
Programme Goals:
To expand the availability of secular mindfulness training globally by training qualified individuals as mindfulness teachers and facilitators
To provide participants with training and standards in teaching, designing and facilitating mindfulness programs
To promote secular mindfulness as a means to enhance wellbeing and inspire purposeful living
To teach mindfulness skills and practices for workshops with individuals, groups, communities, organisations and others
To support participants in embodying mindfulness and facilitating their personal understanding and practice of secular mindfulness
To create a global community of certified and qualified mindfulness teachers and facilitators
Steps to Apply:
Submit the non-refundable application fee of $50 via our COURSES page and submit the following documents via email to admin@centreformindfulness.sg :
Application fee payment receipt
Updated resume
Certificate of Completion or a verification letter as an evidence of completion of an 8 week mindfulness class and the Retreat
a 100 to 200 word personal statement about your intentions to join this programme